Dave Boam | Weddings and Events Photography

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How to capture great dancefloor photos

The Flash!!

As a documentary wedding photographer, the evening dance floor is one of the best  places to  get  those extraordinary  candid images. Everyone is focused on  having fun  without any  self-consciousness, and the wheels of social  interaction  are usually oiled by …erm… other things. For a good observer, its like shooting fish in  a barrel. The secret to  getting great  action  photos from  the dance floor is being able to  see the interaction  of your subject  with the light or create and craft your own.

Photography is all about seeing light, finding light and showing your subject  in  the best  light. We can either work  with what  we’ve got or make our own. I’m all for using available light and it is possible to  get  some very  striking images. But otherwise, using flash is a very old and effective way  of doing this and for wedding photographers it is, or should be, our stock-in-trade. It can be a wonderful  creative tool. I am in  a bit of a dilemma though – as a documentary  style photographer I don’t think using a flash is conducive to  the style or approach so I don’t use it most  of the time. But on  the dancefloor, nobody cares, they  are too busy having fun.